Over the past decade, this technology giant experienced exponential growth to become one of the world’s largest companies. Attempting to keep up with the blistering pace of its own expansion, the client deployed data center resources around the world where and when it needed them. Eventually, that meant it was running nine facilities across four continents with three disparate technology environments: traditional, co-located and modular. At the same time, it’s online services began to represent a larger and larger slice of the client’s overall revenues. That meant its data center infrastructure had evolved from what was once an internal resource to a critical, customer-facing asset with significant impact to the bottom line. Yet, there was no single view into the infrastructure behind one of the firm’s fastest growing profit centers. Each data center was a silo unto itself, tracked through proprietary, in-house systems or the hunt-and-peck processes of spreadsheets. As it became clear that this mission-critical infrastructure would only continue to expand in coming years — along with the costs to operate and manage it — company executives decided to tackle the issue head on. Complete the form to download this resource in full. |